We offer


Reduce maintanence because natural gas is a clean burning gas. Natural gas used by high compressed bus engines, provides   …

Light Weight

Steal or aluminium metal covered and filaman top wrapped as a circle inside filaman resin matrix cylinder. Aluminium or metal coverred and filaman  …


Global pollution which is one of problems coming from socio-industry, forces people to protect environment in increasing ratio. In 70s and 80s ….

Relating to these products, for many companies,
we engage in R&D work and production of prototype.

Why us?

Lower Cost

Reduce maintanence because natural gas is a clean burning gas.

Improved Safety

Plastic inside shell just bursts and the gas just flies away in a few seconds, because CNG is lighter than air


Plastic (completelly composite) coverred and top wrapped completelly inside filaman resin matrix cylinder.

Adapting to local market requirements

Relating to these products, for many companies, we engage in R&D work and production of prototype.

Mission and Vision

Success of our company depends on quality which is the basic competition factor. Quality is a chain which starts from our employees, continues as company culture and ends with our service and products.

Our Quality Administration System is established to answer all current and future expectations with participations of all employees and continously improving processes by controlling the each level of costs.

Our main target is to make life easy, take health and safety of humanity to the fore, use the most advanced technology and world standards at our products and service. RSV’s basic princible is to give our costumers convidence with variety of products, our service quality, our ability to produce our products and to introduce our products to world market.